Creating "Our Future with COVID-19": A Compelling Podcast Series for Pfizer

Pfizer sought to produce a high-quality podcast series titled "Our Future with COVID-19" to explore diverse experiences and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. The podcast aimed to feature guest speakers from various backgrounds, including patients, scientists, and healthcare professionals, to share untold stories and insights. Pfizer required a partner to manage the end-to-end production process, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and avoiding promotional content.
Multimedia Production
Podcast production
Creating "Our Future with COVID-19": A Compelling Podcast Series for Pfizer


We provided comprehensive support to Pfizer, fully producing the podcast series from concept to distribution, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience for listeners:

Content Strategy and Planning

  • Guest Coordination and Preparation: We organized meetings with all guest speakers prior to recording to understand their unique stories and perspectives. We provided detailed briefings and preparatory questions to help them articulate their experiences effectively. Each guest received a briefing document with background information about the podcast, the host, and other guests, along with preparatory questions tailored to their expertise and experiences.some text
    • For example:some text
      • Dr. David Garry discussed the agility of health systems in response to COVID-19, focusing on the ICU's role and the innovative measures taken during the pandemic​​.
      • Dr. Chris Whittle shared insights on transforming virtual pathways in healthcare, emphasizing the rapid adaptation and implementation of telehealth solutions during the pandemic​​.
      • Dr. Luke Moore addressed the impact of COVID-19 on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and the broader implications for healthcare infrastructure and policy​​.
      • Connor and Rachael shared their personal journey of caring for their child, Max, who was diagnosed with a serious condition during the pandemic, highlighting the emotional and practical challenges faced by families​​.
      • Maciej's Script provided an in-depth look at the epidemiological impact of COVID-19 and the specific challenges faced in high-risk settings such as prisons​​.
  • Strategic Content Development: We crafted relevant Q&As and developed a content strategy that ensured alignment with Pfizer’s objectives and regulatory requirements. This included submitting the Q&As for Pfizer's regulatory approval to ensure compliance and accuracy.

Podcast Production

  • Hosting and Recording: James Somauroo, CEO of SomX, hosted the podcast. We virtually recorded the episodes, ensuring high audio quality and engaging content.
  • Regulatory Approval: All content was submitted for Pfizer's formal review, ensuring compliance with non-promotional guidelines and avoiding mention of specific Pfizer medicines.

Distribution and Promotion

  • Multi-Platform Distribution: The final, approved episodes were distributed on Spotify and other Pfizer-approved channels, including websites and social media platforms, as outlined in a comprehensive communications plan.


  • Engaging Content: The podcast featured seven different guests, including patients, scientists, and healthcare professionals, each sharing unique experiences and insights about COVID-19.
  • High Compliance: Successfully navigated regulatory requirements, producing a non-promotional podcast that expanded on technical language in an accessible manner.
  • Broad Reach: The podcast was distributed across multiple platforms, reaching a wide audience and fostering meaningful discussions about living with COVID-19.


Our collaboration with Pfizer demonstrated our ability to manage complex content production projects with a high degree of regulatory compliance. The success of "Our Future with COVID-19" showcased our strategic content development skills, attention to detail, and commitment to creating valuable, engaging media. This case study highlights our expertise in podcast production and our capacity to deliver impactful communication solutions for our clients.

The podcast's focus on sharing untold stories and lessons from the pandemic provided listeners with valuable insights, reinforcing Pfizer's role as a thought leader in healthcare. This project exemplifies our capability to produce high-quality, compliant content that meets our clients' strategic objectives and resonates with their target audience.