Building a Thriving Healthtech Community with Google Cloud

Google Cloud aimed to create a community centered on value, raise awareness of their services and products, and initiate important industry conversations. Their goal was to establish a meaningful, informal space for networking among diverse stakeholders in the healthtech and biotech sectors. Google Cloud sought to lead these conversations and build a robust network to enhance their brand presence and foster industry relationships.
Google Cloud
Events, Multimedia production, Marketing
Event Development, Content Marketing
Building a Thriving Healthtech Community with Google Cloud


We developed and executed a comprehensive event series called Healthtech Talks, hosted as a collaborative effort between SomX and Google Cloud. The event series aimed to bring together a wide range of professionals from the healthtech and biotech communities.

Key components of our solution included:

  • Event Series Development: We organized exclusive events at Google venues, attracting between 150-250 attendees per event. These events featured panel discussions with leading, diverse voices in healthtech and biotech.
  • Targeted Outreach: We promoted the events to a broad audience, including med students, clinicians, founders, entrepreneurs, tech experts, policymakers, pharma executives, and investors.
  • Engaging Content: The events facilitated meaningful conversations on stage and fostered networking opportunities, creating a space for attendees to connect informally.


  • High Demand and Attendance: Each event sold out in less than 24 hours, with over 500 registrations and around 200 attendees per event.
  • Brand Growth: Google Cloud successfully positioned itself as a leading supporter in the healthtech and biotech space, showcasing its ecosystem effectively.
  • Network Expansion: The event series contributed to growing Google Cloud's network by over 1,500 people, increasing deal flow and strengthening customer relationships.
  • Increased Deals: The enhanced networking opportunities led to an increase in deals closed, demonstrating the tangible business benefits of the initiative.
  • Positive Feedback: Attendees provided positive feedback, particularly appreciating the value of the conversations both on stage and within the networking sessions.


Our partnership with Google Cloud exemplifies the power of collaborative efforts in creating impactful community events. The Healthtech Talks series not only helped Google Cloud to build a strong network but also established their brand as a pivotal player in the healthtech and biotech industries. The overwhelming response and rapid sell-outs of the events highlight the success of our strategic approach in fostering meaningful industry conversations and connections. This case study underscores our ability to deliver high-value, engaging experiences that drive significant business outcomes and community growth.